sexta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2013


I just... don't know how to be untrue anymore
And all the feelings I can't deny didn't have been passed by the filter of modern ages with sucess Because this filter no longer exist inside me
And doesn't matter If the entire world asks the opposite Because the only way to be true is to deny and to refuse
And more you hidden your true feelings about how sensitive u could be More smart and sucessful u will be
I just don't care if someone explode me cuz I'm on the opposite way
Don't care if they finnish everything cuz it's real
Cuz I can't accept this fake shit about phisic comportament
Cuz I can't accept that the real feelings of our heart no longer exist
Cuz the reality among these futile humans is being proud of emptiness
It is a shame to deny and these people don't deserve any respect

They just deserve shut their mouths full of shit and open their ears and their hearts again
And all torture of this world is enough to see the cause of their blindness

Maybe this way The cure of all the planet can appears
Like a miracle that everyone asks..
But nobody feels

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